DAUNTLESS was inspired by Courage and energetically reflects the same.  In the 2nd chapter of our apologue, DAUNTLESS is the first of three perfumes that will mirror three faces of this powerful Inner Beauty. 

Courage appears in many forms.  Its beauty shines brilliantly from the heart of its skilled journeyman, its heroes, and heroines. 

A legendary steed to ride, a mount to victory, DAUNTLESS was created to mirror and support Bravery under extremes.


The intent was to create a natural olfactive feeling of the fire that comes from the heart, which moves us to bravely act.  It is the feeling of the surge, the reaching deep to prevail, the courage to rise and rise again to overcome the intimidation of fear to press on.  It forges a dynamic, fierce, and convicted act of conscious-will to face fear instead of fearing fear itself.  Triumph is forthcoming via our passion and belief in our dreams and all that we Love.  (A greater thought of love is stronger than a thought of fear.)  Fortitude.

To achieve this, we looked to those aromatics from nature that bear elemental signatures of fire, movement, and deep passion on the one hand, and rock steady Self-possession on the other.  We also looked for materials analogous to Fortitude.  Although a seeming dichotomy, it is that solid, implacable-smelling thing (RELENTLESS STEADINESS) that we sought to combine with a powerful smell of stimulation and movement (ACTION).  Whereas Commitment is the path, Courage is acting on it or walking it.



BITTER ORANGE (Brazil) is a bright, cheerful scent.  A positive fragrance, much needed in a crisis.  Underneath are bitter notes, which are a feature that is typical of a great challenge.  It creates the opening volley in the head-notes of the perfume, while setting the emotional tone of dauntlessness.

GERANIUM (Reunion Island) was chosen as an enlivening opener.  Geranium and the sweeter aspects of the orange are the opposite of a daunted or overwhelmed feeling.  Stating the obvious, to increase courage one must decrease fear.  Thus the insistent geranium sounds its trumpet to cheer you on into the heart of both the perfume and the challenge.

ROSE and YLANG YLANG (Bulgaria and Madagascar) in the core of the heart-notes speak to the physical and metaphysical heart, saying, “at all costs remain strong!”.   One’s “Fight, Flight, or Freeze” response must be hurdled to ensure victory!  As the heart steadies (Ylang Ylang), so does the mind.  As the pulse lowers, so does fear…and “Flight”.  Rose was added to remind the heart of that which matters, the potent key to overcoming.

GINGER and CARDAMOM (Guatemala and Madagascar), wreath the heart-notes adding a warming, stimulating presence that urges the steed onward.  “Freeze” is the dragon to be slain (Ginger).  Cardamom by nature reaches up from the heart-notes into the head-notes, much like the breath of a racehorse advancing beyond the starting gate.  It is an activating essence.  Like its movement in the perfume, it also rises to bring breath to physical mind, enhancing function.  Its generative warmth grows deeper and spreads as the perfume progresses, analogous to the coursing of blood through its inner tracks, like the racehorse.  This is the signature smell of the lionhearted as they valiantly advance forward.  

BENZOIN SIAM (Laos) and other resins in the base-notes provide a deep, intensely rich and sweet, comforting smell.  These enduring resins are conceived by the trees as their protective shield — their “fight”-response –their strength-from-within.  Sweet resins emit a powerful counterpoint fragrance to the acidic nature of tremulous nerves and tears.

CYPRESS (France) in the base-notes calls to mind towering strength and oxygenating breath.   Conifers are the living signs of deep breath, standing tall, and forging on!  These notes integrate beautifully into the resins, creating a gorgeous, lasting, aromatic veil of resolute beauty.